Actions taken from 2002 to 2019
The tasks undertaken by UrbamoCuba.CH began with a long academic collaboration between Switzerland and Cuba in the field of transport and urban planning.
Here is a summary of the main steps of this collaboration:
- 2002: Definition of a Swiss action framework in Cuba under the aegis of the Swiss Secretariat for Education and Research, with the participation of the Center for Cooperation and Development (CODEV) of the EPFL, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the University of Zurich and the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland in Rapperswil to launch a cooperation in the field of public health and urban development under the aegis of the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education.
- 2003-2005: Development of a strategy. SeDUT project including a training seminar in urban development and transport, the setting of objectives for an eco-compatible transport system in Havana and the organization of academic exchanges in urban planning and transport between Switzerland and Cuba.
- 2006: Training seminar. Awareness of a cross-cutting collaborative approach between public authorities involved in urban planning and transportation. Training of Cuban specialists in the elaboration of data processing and socio-geographic sensitivity maps.
- 2007: Achievement of objectives. Definition of an area called “Deep Havana” for an academic application of Swiss urban management concepts. Joint work of Swiss and Cuban students in urban planning. Raising awareness of pollution issues by measuring air pollutants in the city of Zurich.
- 2008: Integrated urban traffic planning course. Training of about twenty Cuban specialists in urban planning and transport in urban management methods applied in Europe and Switzerland with case studies in Havana.
- 2009-2010: Concrete planning for the sanitation of an urban axis. Interdisciplinary project on Avenida 10 de Octubre in Havana, involving the Public Transport Department and the Ministry of Transport. Integration of a master’s thesis by a Swiss student of the HES Rapperswil. Integrated urban traffic planning course.
- 2011-2012: Integration of EPFL, support to the creation of a chair in mobility at the Technical University of Havana (CUJAE). Donation of computer equipment from the city of Lausanne for the chair in mobility. Preparation of course materials in urban transport and a seminar bringing together Swiss and Cuban partners. At EPFL, a CUJAE professor starts her PhD on traffic-related air pollution.
- 2013: EPFL/CUJAE/CITMA seminar in Cuba. Definition of a collaboration framework between EPFL and our Cuban partners, with a focus on the reduction of air pollution by fine particles (PM10) and better energy efficiency in urban areas and in the field of transport. Invitation by the EPFL and the city of Lausanne of representatives of the CUJAE as well as of the ministries of transport (MITRANS) and of the environment (CITMA). Development of a priority action plan in Cuba. Creation of the association UrbamoCuba.CH
- 2014: First implementation of concrete measures, partnership with the Ministry of Environment (CITMA) and the Government of the Province of Havana Implementation of the action plan with the purchase and transfer to Cuba of a PM10 fine particle measurement equipment and a dedicated computer and photographic equipment. The volume of traffic and pollution can be measured in real time. Deepening of the collaboration with CITMA by involving researchers from this ministry in the doctoral work with EPFL, as well as launching a collaboration with the government of the province of Havana (Pouvoir populaire) in order to support its sustainable development program in urban energy strategies
- 2015: Exhaustive measurement campaign on Reina Avenue in Havana: Organization, in collaboration with several CITMA scientists, of an exhaustive and multiple measurement campaign on Reina Avenue, with measurements of traffic and several atmospheric contaminants. Parallel survey of prevailing winds to determine contaminant diffusion parameters. Complementary measurements of air contaminants inside a moving test vehicle. Integration of the data collected in the simulation and forecasting model of urban air pollution developed at EPFL.
- 2016 : Detailed analysis of contaminant emissions by vehicle type and their impacts on lung disease: The concentration of fine particulate matter, highly carcinogenic to the respiratory tract, is shown to be at least twice as great as the standards for this subject. The automobile traffic can be considered globally responsible for 70% of the air pollution in Havana. Preparation for the implementation of a program to measure contaminants and the resulting hospitalizations in the Cerro district of Havana.
- 2017: Preparation of a concept for the development of bicitaxis recharged by solar energy: The fine service is done by rudimentary bicitaxis in several neighborhoods of Havana, while the provincial popular power wants to promote solar energy. Study of a prototype of electric bicitaxi built in Cuba itself. Study of a service concept for the district of Old Havana, dimensioning of a solar charging station and proposal of an operating concept. Due to a change in the application of the traffic law in Havana by the traffic police, this concept could not be put into practice.
- 2018: Organization of an international conference in Havana on energy management for a more sustainable society in terms of climate and air quality Presentation of an application model of the doctoral thesis carried out at the EPFL, in the field of multi-parameter simulation of atmospheric contaminant emissions and comparison of the economic and ecological relevance of different energy policy scenarios for Cuba in 2030. Development of scenarios for Cuba to achieve energy autonomy. Conclusion of the research work on the simulation model of air pollution in Cuba by obtaining a PhD at EPFL.
- 2019 : Participation in a call for submissions from the People’s Power of Havana for the 500 years of the city of Havana. Response to this call for tenders by preparing a project file for the implementation of a transport system with a low CO2 footprint. Due to the expected amount and the impossibility of obtaining financial support from the SDC (Swiss Federal Development Cooperation), we have decided not to take part in this call for proposals. Official visit of a delegation from the Cuban Ministry of Environment (CITMA) to EPFL and completion of a master’s thesis in the field of air quality by a Cuban researcher at EPFL.
- 2020-2022: Refer to the corresponding chapter