Extract from the statutes of the Association founded on January 29, 2014
Art. 1 Name
Under the name “Association for the support of mobility, energy and environmental projects in Cuba” UrbamoCuba.CH is constituted as a non-profit association.
This association is governed by the present statutes; articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code apply in a suppletive capacity
Art. 2. Object
The aim of the association is to contribute to the definition of strategies and the concerted implementation with interested Cuban partners of projects in the field of development cooperation in the Havana agglomeration.
Art. 19. The association entrusts the scientific supervision of its activities to reputable and experienced authorities. The scientific supervisory body is composed of at least one representative of the Swiss universities who work in close collaboration with Cuban scientific bodies and/or other Cuban organizations in order to contribute to the definition of the strategic orientations of the project and the action plans that can be implemented in Cuba.
Art. 20. The association works in collaboration with a Cuban coordination group in Havana. This coordinating group is closely involved in all strategies developed by the association, and even initiates them.
Art. 21. This coordination group may be composed of representatives of Cuban ministries as well as representatives of scientific bodies from Cuban research institutes, depending on the specific orientations of the projects to be managed. It should be composed of at least two representatives whenever possible.
Art. 30. Financing
a. The association’s resources come from financial contributions from entities that are essentially public or private and that support the projects set up or intended to be set up within the framework of the association
b. Membership fees, if the General Assembly decides to use this method of financing
c. Donations, bequests or other sources of income